Judo BC Minimum Coaching Standards
All Head Instructors, Club Coaches and Instructors are required to be NCCP certified Dojo Instructors (Competition Introduction and/or Instructor Intermediate), complete Safe Sport Training and must submit to their club and/or the Judo BC office the results of a specified Criminal Record Check completed within the previous 36 months from an agency approved by the Association. For more information about completing a Crinimal Record Check please contact your club. We also strongly recommend all instructors and coaches complete the NCCP Concussion module Making Headway in Sport (free) and Respect in Sport for Activity Leaders (small fee)
National Coaching Certification Program (NCCP)
The National Coaching Certification Program (NCCP), launched in 1974 and delivered in partnership with the government of Canada, provincial/territorial governments, and national/provincial/territorial sport organizations, gives coaches the confidence to succeed.

For more information about the Judo NCCP program check out Judo Canada’s NCCP Policy or contact the Judo BC office at general [@] judobc.ca or coaching [@] judobc.ca
Coach Pathway
The following list show the coach pathway for Judo in BC and Canada.
- Dojo Assistant (DA) certification– Judo BC
- Dojo Instructor (DI) certification– Judo BC
- Competition Development (Comp Dev) certification – Judo Canada
- Advanced Coaching Diploma – Canadian Sport Institute
NCCP Dojo Assistant (DA) Course – 16 Hours
This is the first course for judo players to take on their coaching journey. It includes the Making Ethical decisions (MED) module. Once participants have completed the course they will be a DA coach in Training. Once they complete the MED online evaluation they will be DA Trained. To become DA certified they will need to complete an evaluation while teaching a judo class. The evaluation can be recorded and submitted to the Coaching Development Committee or done in person. More information about the evaluations will be provided at the DA course.
- Minimum age of 16.
- Minimum rank of Green belt with a working knowledge of the judo techniques included in the DA program and as identified by the Judo Canada Kyu syllabus.

Dojo Instructor (DI) Course – 17 to 24 Hours Depending on the Number of Participants
This is the second course for judo players to take on their coaching journey. It includes the Once participants have completed the course they will be a DI Trained. To become DI certified they will need to complete an evaluation while teaching a judo class. The evaluation can be recorded and submitted to the Coaching Development Committee or done in person. More information about the evaluations will be provided at the DI course.
- Minimum age of 18.
- Minimum rank of Brown belt with a working knowledge of the judo techniques included in the Judo Canada Kyu syllabus. (Black belt required for certification).
- Complete the on-line “Nutrition for Judo Coaches” E-Learning module.
- Dojo Assistant Trained.

Competition Development Course
3 full days + approx. 37.5 hours of multisport modules
- Minimum age of 21.
- Minimum rank of Shodan with a working knowledge of the judo techniques included in the Judo Canada syllabus (up to and including Shodan). Nidan required for certification at this level.
- Minimum Trained Dojo Instructor.
- A letter of recommendation from the provincial/territorial association stating that the participant works with Developing Competitors at the Provincial level; and meets the technical requirements.
- Completion of the following Multisport Competition Development modules (approx. 37.5 hours):
- Developing Athletic Abilities, approx. 7 hours
- Prevention and Recovery, approx..7.5 hours
- Conflict Management – followed by an online evaluation, approx. 6.5 hours
- Leading Drug-free Sport – followed by an online evaluation – approx. 45 mins
- Psychology of Performance, approx. 7.5 hours
- Coaching and Leading Effectively, approx. 8 hours
- These modules can be complete online or in person for a listing of courses in BC please see – https://viasport.ca/courses/

Upcoming Coaching Courses
To find an upcoming NCCP judo course please see our Event Calendar.
Professional Development Program
To ensure that coaches across Canada are continually up to date, Coaches Association of Canada has a Professional Development Program as a requirement to maintain instruction and coaching certification. Below is a description of what is needed and how they are achieved.
- Competition Development – 30 points over 5 years
- Dojo Instructor – 20 points over 5 years
- Assistant Dojo Instructor – 10 points over 5 years
For more information please about the PD requirements CLICK HERE. For a list of online courses please visit the Judo Canada online course page. Many of the courses listed here will give participants PD points.
Coach Developers Pathway
NCCP Coach Developers include Learning Facilitators (LFs), Coach Evaluators (CEs), and Master Coach Developers (MCDs).
These are the people that coach and evaluate the coaches. For details on the Coach Developers Pathway CLICK HERE and for the Judo pre-requisites please see the Judo Canada NCCP Policy Manual.

Criminal Record Checks
All Judo BC coaches and instructors are required to complete a criminal record review every 3 years. Here are the places you can complete a criminal record check
- Criminal Record Check – Province of British Columbia (Free online check for volunteers with a judo club or Judo BC). Please contact your club or the Judo BC office for more information.
- RCMP Criminal Record and Vulnerable Sector checks or your local police station
- Sterling BackCheck (online checks for a small fee)
Responsible Coaching Movement

Established by the Coaching Association of Canada and the Canadian Centre for Ethics in Sport, the RCM invites all coaches and sport organizations to learn and apply consistent safety principles. It includes three distinct pillars, each serving to create a sport environment that is Safe, Smart, and Secure.

For more information about the RCM and to join Judo BC and take the pledge please visit the RCM webpage.
Why should I take an NCCP course? I already have a black belt and I’m an instructor in my dojo?
Through the NCCP coach pathway, you will enhance your understanding of how to plan a purposeful practice and create engaging activities. You will also gain skills that will help participants identify how to improve their performance by providing constructive criticism and advice. Finally, you will learn how to manage problems by making ethical and respectful decisions and enable safe participation by creating a safe environment.
I took an NCCP course – Does that mean I’m now a certified coach?
Not quite but you are on your way. Once you have taken a course you are now considered “trained”. To become “certified” you must take and pass the Make Ethical Decision online evaluation complete and submit the coach portfolio and be evaluated. Not sure if you are “in training”, “trained” or certified? Check out your profile on the Coaches Association of Canada online database “The Locker”
Which “Make Ethical Decision” (MED) online evaluation module should I take?
Competition Introduction evaluation is the correct module for both Dojo Assistant and Dojo Instructor candidates.
How do I get evaluated?
Evaluations are conducted by the Judo BC NCCP facilitators. Please complete the Evaluation ]Registration Form and submit to the Coaching Development Committee chair at coaching [@] judobc.ca to book an evaluation.
What is a NCCP #? Do I have one?
A National Coaching Certification Program, or NCCP # is the number assigned to you by the Coaching Association of Canada. It is your coach identification number. If you have taken any coaching course, in any discipline, then you have a NCCP#. CLICK HERE to find your NCCP#.
I’m not the Head Instructor or Head Sensei at my club, should I take an instructor’s course?
Yes. If you are currently instructing at any level at your club, or are interested in instructing you should take the Dojo Assistant course. Components of this course include modules focused on teaching and learning, emergency preparedness, ethical decision making and skill analysis.
If you are interested in coaching at judo competitions the Dojo Instructor course is the next step in your coach pathway. This course builds on the Dojo Instructor course by adding modules focused on supporting the competitive experience, performance analysis, and practice planning.