The 2015 Annual General Meeting and elections were held on June 13th at the Executive Airport Plaza hotel in Richmond. The day started out with the launch of the Judo BC Kids website, a presentation about the SFU Partnership Program, a workshop on regional development lead by Jeremy Grant of Victoria Judo Club, and an update on our schools program – Sports on Mats. In the afternoon the 2015-2019 Strategic Plan was presented and discussed, and the delegates had an opportunity to provide ideas for implementation on several of the strategic objectives. The business portion of the AGM and the elections finished off the day.
Sandy Kent, President, Bruce Fingarson, 2nd VP and Eric Cherneff, treasurer, were all re elected for 2 year terms, and Mr. James Ramsey of Campbell River Judo Clubs was granted Life Membership status. The minutes from the meeting and the workshops & presentations will be posted on the website shortly.